The Hot Porn Store Cashier

Category: Big Tits, Natural Boobs | Date: 29 May 2009 The Hot Porn Store Cashier

Most adult book and video stores are usually staffed by guys. We don't know the numbers across North America but we'd speculate that very few women can be found working behind the counter. (Not the girls who work as entertainers in a store where there are live fantasy booths. That's another situation.) Are most of the guys who shop in a porn store shy or reluctant when it comes to buying their purchases from a girl? We don't think so. Most guys who see a good looking female clerk or female shoppers in a porn store tend to take notice very quickly. You don't see porn stores utilized much as a setting but it's the perfect place along with lap dance clubs and massage parlors. So our question in this pictorial is what if a porn star or equally hot chick worked behind the counter? What could possibly happen, especially if she locked the door and put a closed sign on the window? When the girl is fairly new porn star and long-time SCORE covergirl Harmony Bliss, this is what's going to happen. This is our kind of store; only SCORE Group mags and DVDs sold. Of course, this porn store has a comfy couch to fuck on. Because this is a fantasy adult shop and Harmony is a fantasy store manager who really knows how to dress to impress. When she steps out to put a mag on the shelf, look out! You're gonna be buying something from her! You don't want to miss the video version of this retail experience. The truck with the movie is on the way to The SCORE Theater as you read this! Support your local adult book shop!

The Hot Porn Store Cashier


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