
Category: Big Tits | Date: 2 October 2008 Popcorn Popcorn

Tonight I had like 10 friends over and we watched the movie American Gangster on my new widescreen TV. I have a lot of guy friends and they love my damn TV. lol They want me to get a PS3 with a high-def cord. I don't know about that. I like video games, but I'm not sure I like them THAT much. We had popcorn, too. The really awesome, buttery kind and I bought the special cheese powder that they have at the movies! We went through like three boxes of popcorn and two bags of Doritos and potato chips. All my friends are guys so there was a lot of testosterone in the room at once. It made me horny. That's a sure sign my cold is almost gone. My pussy's back in action! Lol

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