Lush Life

Category: Big Tits, Natural Boobs | Date: 3 June 2009 Lush Life

Phoenix local Lola Lush likes to flaunt her ass with class. "I like to dress sultry and sexy but not trashy. I'm not a ho so I don't try to look like one. I dress with style that's hot and come-hither. I always wear a bra except to bed. Gravity is not the friend of a busty model." What does Lola look for in a man? "Eye contact, a man who comes on light, not heavy, directness when he speaks, excellent hygiene, consistency and a seductive manner are what I notice in a guy. A guy who takes care of his body in every way." Things Lola would like to do in the years ahead: have sex with two men in a DP, go parachuting, learn to ride a motorcycle, learn French and Romanian and try a gangbang. Definitely not the average to-do list. She considers herself sexually assertive and will make the first move if she likes a guy. Regular sex and clit stimulation float her boat best and she's willing to try new things in bed. When she masturbates she cums the hardest and the fastest from "a small vibrator in my ass and a large dildo in my vagina with a mini-vibrator on my clitoris." The girl knows what she likes!

Lush Life


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