Yes. I'm definitely sick. I woke up and scheduled a doctor's appointment for later today. Hopefully he'll have medicine for whatever I'm sick with. Later: Okay, so the doctor says I have the flu and pneumonia. BLAH! Now I have a pharmacy of medicine on top of my microwave. I've gone thru like two boxes of tissues today. One thing my mom taught me when I was little will always stick; when your sick Vicks Vapor Rub is your best friend. She also said plenty of fluids and Jell-O, chicken noodle soup, applesauce, and ginger ale. But to tell the truth, I'm fonder of microwaveable chicken patties. lol Oh, and Oreo cakesters, Pepsi, McDonalds' French fries, and celery and peanut butter. Yeah! That sounds good. See? Even sick, I am still a junk food junkie! I love the stuff. Don't knock may be the reason my tits are so huge! lol