Down Mammary Lane

Category: Big Tits, Natural Boobs | Date: 1 May 2009 Down Mammary Lane

I'm not the nostalgic type, but I sure did enjoy the trip down memory--or is it mammary lane--in your March '09 issue to celebrate Voluptuous' 15th Anniversary. There were many girls that I had forgotten about, like Carol Brown and Sharday. Even if they're not modeling these days, I'd like to know what they're up to. It was also interesting to see how girls looked back then as opposed to how they do now. I remember when I was younger, it was natural for a girl to have a thick, full bush. These days, you hardly see it. A sign of the times, I guess. Thanks for a great 15 years. Here's hoping there will be many, many more.-S.M. Help us find new great ones by telling people about

Down Mammary Lane


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