In Ya Face!

Category: Amateur | Date: 22 June 2009 In Ya Face!

Okay, guys, this really is an "In ya face!" fuck if ever there was one. Terrill, 26, lives in Van Nuys, California. She was married to a guy–who is a NN subscriber (we checked: although he might not be after seeing this)–who walked out on her after a year and apparently told her, "You're a terrible fuck, and you obviously don't even enjoy sex." Terrill says she's not vengeful, but when she met Joel and they started rocking each other's worlds, she called NN to see if we would like to photograph them in action.

We happened to have a SCORE Group cameraman scheduled to visit Los Angeles to shoot a babe for BootyLicious magazine, and he was quite happy to go to Terrill's apartment to photograph this horny couple for NN. "I think it's plain to see that I like oral sex–giving and receiving and I enjoy screwing in all sorts of ways," said Terrill. "I'll leave it to the readers to decide if what my ex told me was true or not. I guess he never figured that perhaps he just wasn't doing it for me–and never did!" Joel didn't want to comment, and neither will we, except to say that we saw that Terrill had her (old) rings on while she fucked. Ouch!

"We haven't gotten into any butt sex yet, but we plan to," said Terrill. "See, we're gonna use the fee from this photo shoot to go on a Caribbean cruise, and that's when Joel's going to get to bust my anal cherry. I've had his tongue, his fingers and my dildo in there and they all felt pretty good. I can hardly wait to feel Joel's cock there for the first time."

In Ya Face!


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